The Kids Are Not Alright

By: Shelly-Anne Johnson LCSW Our kids are in trouble. While the rates of drug and alcohol use and teen pregnancy are down, the rate of mental health issues have grown exponentially among adolescents in the past few decades. Kids are reporting and are being diagnosed...

5 Self-Care Tips to Reduce Stress

July is Stress Awareness Month. We are collectively stressed out and spent from the daily stressors we are faced with, at home and abroad. Let’s take a moment to acknowledge all the events that have happened over the past two plus years, and all the events still...

Finding My Dream Career After Hospitalization

Meet Dina Coughlan, a successful young professional working as an associate producer for a prominent news network. Many look at Dina’s present life and take for granted where she is today. Without knowing the journey, her story cannot be fully appreciated. Upon...
Stress, Current Events, and the American People

Stress, Current Events, and the American People

A new report from the American Psychological Association reports a rise in the levels of stress documented by Americans over the last 2 years. The “Stress in America” poll published Thursday found a correlation between Stress and the rising inflation/the war in...
Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

Most of the clients we see at Ridgeview Institute are struggling with suicidal thoughts and previous suicide attempts. Recent data from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that after rising from 2000 to 2018, the age-adjusted suicide rate in...